Thursday, October 2, 2008

ilustrasi lagi...

nah yang ini ilustrasi buat buku cerita anak roro mendut...pada tau ga ceritanya??

akhirnya nih gambar dapat acknowledgement dari orang-orang yang terhitung "bawel" dn hobi comment macam2 soal kerjaan gue... dibilang bagus!! gue sampai berhenti ngewarnain sejenak dan bilang, "beneran?", dibilang "iya, bener bagus" hahaha...

baru satu sih, dari sepuluh gambar yang harus dibuat...dan masih acc pula, moga2 lolos deh...

what a surprise...
very happy if u are acknowledged by someone important for u...


moodboard ni dibuat untuk tugas...tapi emang gue suka juga buat-buat yang kaya gini, dulu waktu belajar fashion design si gurunya juga pernah nyuruh buat kaya gini...dan waktu dulu pernah ke esmod, murid2nya juga punya moodboard semacam ini, keren banget deh!!

anyway: mood gue pasti yang MERAH...hehehe

terus suka banget sama parade topeng-topeng yang ada di Venice, moga-moga suatu hari nanti bisa lihat sendiri yah....

ambigram di portfolio

nah ni dia ambigram yang sudah di bagusin...diedit dan ditarik-tarik, digeser-geser sedikit...

dipake diportofolio euy...

yang gambar terakhir itu portofolio versi digital, tapi kayanya bakal cari ide baru alias ganti konsep buat portfolio yang baru...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

ambigram nama sendiri nih

nah ini ambigram nama sendiri...

ambigram itu dibolak-balik bacanya sama..dilihat dari atas dan dari bawah sama bacanya...

ini buatnya waktu SMA dulu, abis bosen belajar matematika (hohoho...gue masih inget gurunya sapa, ga akan di publish di sini ah...)

sekarang sudah diperbarui buat bikin portfolio...

seri kereta api...akhirnya

akhirnya ini kerjaan beres juga!! ini kerjaan untuk membuat ilustrasi buku anak, seri kereta api gitu...tapi dari 30 halaman cuma ke bawa dua gambar ini...nanti yang laen juga dimasukin deh...

hohohoho...sampai setengah mati begadang, tidur jam lima pagi (bangun tetap jam tujuh lho, hehehe) bolos kuliah dan sebagainya, akhirnya selesai!!!

kalau dipikir2, agak gila juga ya...gue baru hitung ternyata gue buat gambar-gambar super detail menurut standar gue sih udah lumayan detail...) kaya begini ini, ada sekitar 120-130 gambar kereta api, cuma dalam waktu satu setengah bulan!!! itu juga paling efektif kerja satu bulan...abis pulang Kerja Praktek kan banyak maen, ngobrol dan macam2 lagi...

bayangkan: 120an gambar dalam satu bulan!!! uoh...bener2 gue ga ada kerjaan kali yah...ini juga baru sadar setelah temen gue nanya: "u buat berapa gambar?" "ngngng..sekitar 120-130an lah..." terus dia bilang "hah!! gila kamu..." dan gue baru mikir, iya, kurang kerjaan kali gue...hahaha...

tapi tugas laen jadi terbengkalai sih =p

ntar2an ajalah tugas kuliah...

dari the Phantom of the Opera nih...

No more talk of darkness, forget this wide-eyed fear
I’m here-nothing can harm you, my words will warm and calm you
Let me be your freedom, let daylight dry your tears
I’m here with you beside you, to hide you and to guide you…
Let me be your shelter, let me be your light
You’re safe, no one will find you
Your fears are far behind you…

This is an excerpt from the Phantom of the Opera, a musical opera created by Sir Andrew Llyod Webber in 1986…hmm,I like this song so much, you all must watch the movie and hear the songs! Especially, if you can find the version which sang by Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman in Broadway…it was soo great!!! I first fell in love with the song titled “Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again” (uhm…if you’re missing someone, better not to hear this song, you will feel missing him/her more and more, hehehe) , the song is very sweet and beautiful, but sad… the excerpt I write in this page is from the song “All I Ask of You”, this part supposed to be sang by Raoul, he was Christine’s childhood sweetheart (in this story, Raoul has become her lover)… hyaa…really like this part…

Wishing you were somehow here again, wishing you were somehow near…
Sometimes it seems if I just dream, somehow you would be here…
Wishing I could hear your voice again, knowing that I never would…
Dreaming of you, taught me to do, what have you dreamed I could…

Actually, I do not feel that I like the movie so much, in my opinion; the movie is not a very good movie, because the cast is not so good (they did not sing the songs well) , and in the movie they put too much attention to the songs, to create it as “the opera comes to the big screen for the first time” and so they forgot to pay attentions to the details, like the scars in the phantom’s face, sometimes it looks very big and terrifying, but sometimes they looks so small, like while the phantom put the mask in his face…so illogical I think…

Damn you! You little praying Pandora! You little demon! Is this what you wanted to see?!
Stranger than you dreamt it-can you even bear to look or dare to think of me?
This loathsome gargoyle who burns in hell but secretly yearns
for heaven secretly…Repulsive carcass who seems a beast…

Oh, and the phantom himself, in my opinion, was too handsome and charming!! The story should be: Christine, the heroine, bears a feeling of fear to the phantom because of his ugly, distorted face…but when I saw the movie for the first time, I suddenly felt that I can fall in love with the phantom; ever since he is a very handsome phantom!! Hahaha…not the ugly ones to be sure of it… how can Christine feared him if he was so handsome and charming?

Past the point of no return, no backward glances, our games of make believe are
at an end…
Past all thought of if or when, no use resisting, abandon thought
and let the dream descend…
Past the point of no return, the final threshold,
what warm unspoken secrets will we learn?
Beyond the point of no return…

The movie and the opera itself based on a novel, wrote in 1911 by a French author named Gaston Leroux. In this novel, he wrote that the story of the phantom is real, he really was buried in the bottom of the Paris Opera House… well, it is up to you for decide whether you will believe it or not, but for sure, the opera and the songs are great and impressive…you must listen to the opera and the songs, I’m sure you will like it…

Masquerade, paper faces on parade…
Masquerade; hide your face so the
world will never find you…